ISO 55001 Foundation

Virtual Learning: 1,300€ + IVA

REF: ISO55001 Catálogo: Gestão de Serviços e Normas Área: ITSM, Normas ISO

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ISO 55001 Foundation training enables you to learn the basic elements to implement and manage an Asset Management System (AMS) as specified in ISO 55001. During this training course, you will be able to understand the different modules of an AMS, including AMS policy, procedures, performance measurements, management commitment, internal audit, management review and continual improvement.

After completing this course, you can take the exam and apply for a “PECB Certificate Holder in ISO 55001 Foundation” certificate. A PECB Foundation Certificate shows that you have understood the fundamental methodologies, requirements, framework and management approach.

*PVP por participante. A realização do curso nas datas apresentadas está sujeita a um quórum mínimo de inscrições.


  • Individuals involved in Asset Management
  • Individuals seeking to gain knowledge about the main processes of Asset Management Systems (AMS)
  • Individuals interested to pursue a career in Asset Management
  • Área: Gestão de Serviços e Normas

  • Certificação Associada: PECB ISO 55001 Foundation Exam (exame incluído)

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Day 1:

  • Introduction to Asset Management System (AMS) concepts as required by ISO 55001

Day 2

  • Asset Management System requirements and Certificate Exam



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